Stobart Air Collapse must serve as wake up call

“The collapse of Stobart Air must serve as a wakeup call to the Government with our current overly cautious approach to international travel likely to push more and more aviation, travel and tourism businesses to the brink unless a greater degree of flight operations is allowed and soon. 

“Over the last fifteen months our aviation, travel and tourism industries have been amongst the most affected by the pandemic and are likely to be the last to recover. That recovery is far from guaranteed and with aviation remaining effectively grounded the need for significant financial support is pressing, essential and long overdue. 

“If we continue to fail to support these businesses now the consequences will be devastating and will stretch throughout our economy. We cannot recover from COVID-19 and rebuild our economy without a thriving aviation industry and it is imperative that the Government act now to avoid more businesses failing and more people losing their jobs.”


Comment: The aviation industry faces a battle for survival if government continues using shambolic traffic light system


MPs debate support for aviation, travel and tourism industries