Passenger figures show UK being left behind as Europe reopens

The APPG for the Future of Aviation have today released figures that show that UK aviation continues to be the slowest to recover from the impacts of the pandemic.  An analysis of ACI Europe passenger figures shows that since the restart of international travel (in the UK) that passenger numbers in the UK are down 89% compared to 2019 levels lagging behind the European average of 78%. 

The figures are below:

Screenshot 2021-06-29 at 10.28.02.png

Commenting Henry Smith MP, Chair of the APPG for the Future of Aviation said: 

“It defies belief that we continue to hold back our aviation, travel and tourism industries from a safe and proper restart as we are seeing throughout Europe. These figures highlight that the promised restart for international travel is nothing more than another false dawn for an industry close to breaking point.  

“Far from benefiting from our world class vaccination programme, UK aviation continues to be held back by an overly cautious approach that not only squanders our vaccine dividend but puts UK plc at a significant competitive disadvantage to our European neighbours.

“We cannot afford to continue to lag behind the rest of Europe and it is high time that the Government put in place a framework for international travel that matches the approaches taken in Europe. This must begin with the removal of quarantine requirements for those who have vaccinated twice from July 19th, action to reduce the cost of testing and an increased green list to avoid another lost summer, which for many businesses may be the final straw. 

“Without action now, we risk the future of our aviation, travel and tourism industries, as well as damaging and delaying our economic recovery.”


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