Government must increase green list

Commenting ahead of the latest review of the traffic light system for international travel, Chair of the APPG for the Future of Aviation, Henry Smith MP said:

"Looking at the data, which is what ministers encourage us to do, I would expect the Balearics and Malta to be on an updated green list at the very least.

"I would hope it would be wider still, not just including popular holiday destinations to support the UK travel industry but also opening up the vital transatlantic route to the US.

"The efficacy of the vaccine against new variants does seem to have been confirmed and we now have 60 per cent of UK adults fully vaccinated.

"The safety of travel is something we can be much more confident in and it is about trying to salvage as much of this summer period as possible to save as many aviation and travel sector jobs as possible."


Traffic light system remains too cautious and lacks clarity


Figures show approach not based on data