Government must get cost of testing under control

Commenting on calls for the Government to take action on the cost of testing, Henry Smith MP, Chair of the APPG for the Future of Aviation said:

“Sadly, there will be no ‘Freedom Day’ for international travel on Monday, with the vast majority of destinations stuck languishing on an amber list complete with burdensome restrictions and sky-high testing costs.

“With the summer season now underway and the cost of testing continuing to add hundreds of pounds to travel and much needed holidays it is high time that the Transport and Health Secretaries work together to get these costs under control.  

“The framework for international travel has gone from the promised science led to shambles leaving aviation as one of the only sectors not to see the full benefit of our vaccination programme.  As the rest of the economy reopens it is long overdue that the Government end the chaotic on-off approach to travel, get a grip on the cost of testing and properly support the aviation, travel and tourism industry.



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