Comment on announcement of test and release systems for international arrivals

Commenting on the announcement of a testing strategy of international arrivals, Henry Smith MP, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for the Future of Aviation said: 

 “The announcement of a Covid-19 testing regime for international travellers is positive news for our aviation, travel and tourism sectors; it will allow the restart commercial air travel with confidence once restrictions are lifted.  It also provides much needed clarity and certainty which will be essential to these sectors’ recovery from the deeply damaging effects of this pandemic. 

“I am grateful to the Government and the Global Travel Taskforce for listening to the calls for testing made by industry and from all sides of the political divide.  It is essential for ensuring that global Britain is open for business and today’s announcement will be warmly welcomed by all. 

UK-wide the pandemic’s impact continues to be devastating on airport communities as well as the aviation, travel and tourism sectors as a whole, but today’s announcement is a very important step in helping these sectors to recover and to play their full role in our national economic recovery.”  


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